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What “cited” law?

Question Answer
1. What legal “cited” law? Oh, legal “cited” refers legal authority, case statute, legal argument decision. Evidence support legal context. Fascinating?
2. How “cited” “quoted” terms? Ah, “cited” means legal “quoted” means exact legal authority. Credit using own. Nuanced distinction, say?
3. Can “cited” decision? Why, of course! Let`s say a judge writes, “In Smith v. Jones, the court cited the precedent set in Johnson v. Smith its ruling.” Here, “cited” indicates that the court referenced the Johnson v. Smith justify decision. Building legal house sturdy foundation, agree?
4. What are the consequences of misinterpreting a cited legal authority? Ah, misinterpretation of a cited legal authority can lead to a shaky legal argument or decision. Building house quicksand – stable situation, it? Accurately apply cited legal authorities legal realm.
5. Is “citing” mandatory in legal writing? Well, eager legal learner, mandatory sense legal citing legal authorities encouraged expected legal writing. It adds credibility, strengthens arguments, and demonstrates a thorough understanding of the law. Perfect seasoning dish – enhances flavor, think?
6. Can “cited” authorities time? Absolutely! Legal authorities cited in one case or decision may be reevaluated, overturned, or modified in subsequent cases or legislative changes. It`s like the ever-evolving nature of the legal landscape – always shifting and influencing the course of legal arguments and decisions.
7. How legal cited authorities? Ah, the process of legal verification! Legal professionals meticulously review and cross-reference cited legal authorities through legal databases, case law research, and statutory analysis to ensure their accuracy and relevance. Legal detective, searching clues build rock-solid case. Thrilling, say?
8. Can layperson cited authorities? While it may seem daunting at first, with the right guidance and explanation, even a layperson can grasp the significance of cited legal authorities. It`s like unraveling the layers of a complex puzzle – challenging, yet incredibly rewarding once you see the bigger picture and how it shapes legal arguments and decisions.
9. Are specific citing authorities legal jurisdictions? Oh, the intricate world of legal citation rules! Indeed, different legal jurisdictions may have specific citation formats and guidelines, such as the Bluebook for U.S. legal writing or the OSCOLA for UK legal writing. It`s like learning the unique language and customs of different legal lands – a fascinating journey into the diverse world of legal citation.
10. How improve skills citing authorities? Ah, the quest for legal citation mastery! By honing one`s research, analysis, and writing skills, staying updated on legal developments, and studying established citation guides, one can elevate their prowess in citing legal authorities. Mastering art precision eloquence legal argumentation – noble endeavor legal enthusiast, agree?

What Cited Mean Law

As law enthusiast legal professional, “cited” holds weight legal world. Understanding the concept of citation in law is crucial for legal research, judicial decisions, and academic writing. Blog post, delve intricacies “cited” means law importance legal practice.

Citing Law

In the legal context, “cited” refers to the act of referring to a specific legal authority, such as a statute, case law, regulation, or a scholarly article, to support a legal argument or proposition. Legal document “cites” particular source, means author making reference source strengthen position provide evidence claims.

Types Citations

In legal writing, there are two primary types of citations: primary and secondary. Primary citations include references to binding legal authorities, such as court decisions and statutes. On the other hand, secondary citations involve references to non-binding sources, such as legal textbooks, law review articles, and other scholarly publications.

Importance of Citations in Law

Citations play a crucial role in legal practice for several reasons:

1. Legal Authority Citations help legal professionals to establish the legal authority and precedential value of their arguments by referencing relevant case law and statutory provisions.
2. Research Scholarship Citations allow researchers and scholars to build upon existing legal knowledge and contribute to the development of legal principles and doctrines.
3. Legal Analysis Citations provide a framework for legal analysis and reasoning, enabling lawyers and judges to interpret and apply the law effectively.

Example Cited Case

To illustrate concept citation law, let`s consider landmark case Brown v. Board Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954). Case, Supreme Court cited Fourteenth Amendment U.S. Constitution and relevant precedents to declare racial segregation in public schools unconstitutional. This citation not only formed the basis of the Court`s decision but also influenced subsequent legal developments in the area of civil rights law.

The concept of citation in law is a fundamental aspect of legal writing, research, and decision-making. Understanding the significance of citing legal authorities is essential for legal professionals to construct persuasive arguments, advance legal scholarship, and uphold the integrity of the legal system.

We hope this blog post has provided valuable insights into what “cited” means in law and its implications for legal practice. If questions comments, feel free reach us.

Understanding “Cited” in Legal Context

In legal practice, the term “cited” holds significant importance and plays a crucial role in court proceedings, legal documentation, and jurisprudence. This contract aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the term “cited” from a legal perspective, outlining its implications and applications within the domain of law.

Contract Terms

Whereas, the term “cited” in legal context refers to the act of referencing or quoting a particular legal authority, such as a statute, regulation, case law, or secondary source, in support of a legal argument or proposition.

Whereas, the act of citing a legal authority serves to provide evidentiary support for the legal claims or assertions being made, thereby lending credibility and persuasive force to the arguments presented before a court of law or in legal documentation.

Whereas, the process of citing legal authorities involves adherence to established legal citation formats, including but not limited to the Bluebook, ALWD Citation Manual, and jurisdiction-specific citation rules, to ensure accuracy and consistency in legal referencing.

Whereas, the determination of the precedential value and weight accorded to a cited legal authority rests upon the hierarchy of legal sources, judicial decisions, and principles of stare decisis within the relevant legal jurisdiction, thereby influencing the persuasive impact of the citation.

Whereas, the proper understanding and application of the term “cited” in law necessitate a nuanced grasp of legal research methodologies, citation norms, and the interplay between primary and secondary legal authorities in shaping legal discourse and argumentation.